







7 Prevention Tips for Post Monsoon

By Dr. Rajiv Dang in Internal Medicine

Sep 26 , 2017 | 1 min read

Monsoons are the best time when everything surrounding us looks clean and fresh. While we are still enjoying the weather, we ponder upon the flooded roads, long traffic snarls, accidents, power cuts, collapsed buildings, and blocked canals. Alongside, poor hygiene and sanitation can also bring serious diseases. Dr. Rajiv Dang takes us through few post-monsoon prevention tips to protect our loved ones from contracting severe infections.

Little about Monsoon-Related Diseases

  • Malaria: Presentation of this disease in its varied forms can be life-threatening. Try to use mosquito repellants, avoid water collections, and take a preventive dose of tablets.
  • Dengue: This mosquito bites during the day and can fly only up to 200metres. Wear full sleeves shirts and pants and avoid wearing shorts. If not adequately managed, it can be fatal and cause debilitating pain in the joints that can last for years. Inappropriate use of anti-fever medicines can precipitate bleeding in dengue patients. Drink plenty of water and rest.
  • Gastroenteritis, Typhoid and Jaundice: Monsoons cause spillage of sewer systems, which gets mixed with the drinking water, thereby increasing the symptoms of typhoid. It is best to avoid outside/contaminated/cold-open food and consume sealed/hot-cooked food.

Know how to Prevent Post-monsoon Infections

  • While sneezing and coughing, teach your kids to cover nose and mouth with a tissue
  • Wash hands with soap and water (or alcohol-based cleaners)
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands. Refrain from taking a walk in the dirty water as it might increase the risk of fungal infections especially of toes and nails. Diabetic patients need to take care of their feet and keep shoes, socks and raincoats handy. Precautions must be taken to prevent dampness and growth of fungus (mould) of places where asthmatic patients live.
  • Wash the fruits and vegetables properly. Avoid having uncooked food as it can increase the risk of infection so cook veggies as it cuts down the risk of infection/diseases.
  • Pack cooked food in small lunch bags with multiple ice packs or frozen water bottles inside the refrigerator.
  • Never rely on sight and smell to determine whether foods have spoiled. The easiest way to reduce the risk of food poisoning is to bring items that are less likely to develop bacterial contamination in the first place, high-fibre whole grains, crackers or bread, protein-packed peanut butter or other nut butter, nuts, nutrient-packed fresh fruit, no-sugar-added dried fruit, and nutrient-rich vegetables.
  • Encourage your kids to drink plenty of non-carbonated, sugar-free fluids throughout the day.

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