







7 Ways to Slow Down Your Metabolism!

By Medical Expert Team

Nov 08 , 2020 | 3 min read


Having weight issues may sound similar to having obesity. However, that is only one end of the scale, so to speak. Being extremely thin is also a weight issue, to which we do give enough importance.

Thanks in part to the portrayal of ‘thin is in’ in certain parts of society and the media, low weight is not considered a problem.

If you suffer constantly from low body weight, you face discomfort and doubt about yourself too. No matter how much you eat, you don’t seem to put on any weight. You constantly feel hungry and you may feel tired towards the end of the day. You’re scared to exercise in fear of losing even more weight. All these may be a result of extremely fast metabolism - a condition that’s more common than often perceived.

While there is no proven way of slowing down metabolism, there are ways to ‘outsmart’ the body into gaining a little weight and getting into shape. 

7 Things You Can Do to Slow Down Your Metabolism

Here are 7 things you can do to slow down your metabolism:

  • Eat Calorie Rich Foods, Intentionally

    You’ve probably heard this one from countless concerned relatives and friends. But it isn’t only about eating calories, but also consuming the right ones. Eat a heap-full of rice, bread, parathas/rotis, or pasta with every meal as these foods are rich in carbohydrates. This gives your body quick, accessible energy. Contrary to what the name suggests, ‘fats’ don’t help you put on weight, as much as carbs do.

  • Track Your Caloric Intake

    It’s easy to think, “I’m full, so I must be eating enough.” That may not always be the truth. You may be eating a lot of food that doesn’t provide enough calories. Therefore, it’s important to calculate how many calories you are taking in. Calorie calculators can tell you how many calories you need and where you’ll get them.

  • Boost Your Appetite

    Dr. Charu Dua says, In a lot of cases, low appetite is the main reason for low food intake, which in term leads to faster breaking down of available food in the body. While leading an active lifestyle can help with that, there are also other solutions, such as appetite stimulants that doctors and nutritionists at Max Healthcare can help you with.

  • Add Extras To Your Meal

    Add a few extra cheats and treats to the meals you already enjoy to add a few more calories into your regular diet. For example:

    1. Drink milk after your meal instead of water
    2. Add sliced banana or a spoon of peanut butter to your morning cornflakes
    3. Put a small blob of butter or ghee on your hot rice, paratha or dosa
    4. Add two extra tablespoons of olive oil or dressing to your pasta if that’s your favorite meal
  • Add a High-Calorie High Protein Supplement Food in Your Diet

    One of the simplest ways to intentionally increase your intake is to use  High kcal high protein supplements that are now readily available on the market. The main advantage of these supplements is convenience. With our busy lifestyles, we don’t often find time to prepare our meals. These supplements are an easy way to push towards your target calorie intake for the day.

  • Get Support

    Overcoming a fast metabolism isn’t easy, and may even seem like too much to take for one person. Mention your goals to a family member or friend. This external support can help you stay accountable and may even help you think out-of-the-box solutions.

  • Make It Fun

    Stress is known to be a big deterrent to weight gain, and nothing can be more ironic if you can’t gain weight because you’re stressing about it. Make sure you’re having fun eating heavy calorie items, and maybe even coin a term like ‘Operation Get Big’ or ‘Mission Weight Gain’ to make it more of a fun challenge.

Gaining weight with a fast metabolism is tough, as metabolic speed can sometimes also be genetic. But even that can be countered and conquered with discipline, conscious effort and sticking to the plan. Don’t worry. You’ll get there!

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Medical Expert Team