







COVID-19 vaccination for children between 15-18yrs at Max Hospital

By Max Team in Covid-19 Vaccination

Jan 11 , 2022 | 2 min read


Amid the pandemic, the good news of this new year is that India has started administering vaccines to children of age 15 to 18 years from 3rd January 2022. Keep reading to find out its details and how you can get your child vaccinated.

Children vaccination- Why is it necessary?

It is essential to get your child vaccinated because-

  • Though most children get mild symptoms, some can become very ill due to COVID' 19. 
  • COVID has both short and long-term complications in children. Children could develop a severe condition-Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) after two to six weeks of Covid infection even if the symptoms are mild. 

With vaccination, you can prevent the spread of infection and make your child safer. Vaccines are safe, and therefore you are encouraged to do your bit to protect your child and the community.

But do you know which vaccine has been approved for vaccination in children?

COVAXIN for children vaccination

So far, only Bharat Biotech's Covaxin has been approved for children aged 15 to 18 years. Covaxin vaccine administered in children is the same as adults except for the fact that the quantity of the active ingredient (the antigen) is less in the Paediatric vaccine. 

Data collected from adult vaccination mentions 4 to 6 months of immunity after the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, and it is probably the same for children. 

It may be a more extended period for children since their immune system is robust. Boosters will be needed at intervals with the current vaccines.

Side effects of the vaccine 

In the majority of children, there are no side effects. Occasionally, children may get local effects in terms of pain and redness at the injection site.

How can parents get their child vaccinated at Max Hospital?

  • Register for COVID'19 vaccines on COWIN with your child's school Id cards.
  • Choose your preferred date and time slot.
  • Bring your child to the hospital on the given date and time and get your child vaccinated 
  • At least one parent must accompany their ward to the hospital for vaccination with their id proof along with the child's school id card.
  • Prices will be as per the government guidelines.

How can schools get their students vaccinated at Max Hospital?

  • An exclusive time slot will be provided for students of your school.
  • You need to share the details such as the total number of children to be vaccinated, their names, age, details of date/time preference.
  • You can contact our representatives if you want to arrange a vaccination program for the students of your school.

Please note any correspondence with the parents to be done by the school authority. 

Why choose Max Hospital for children vaccination?

  • Safe vaccination Zones at Max hospital

At our secure green zone, paediatric experts will take utmost care and preventive measures to ensure maximum safety for your child within the hospital premises.

  • Priority Slots for your school children

You will get exclusive slots for your school students based on time and date preference provided by the school authority.

Following Covid protocols and getting vaccinated are the only ways to defeat this virus, so get your child vaccinated as soon as possible. 

For any COVID-19 query, call us on our Free COVID-19 Helpline 8744888888.

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