







A Weight Loss Surgery at Max Changed his Life

By Medical Expert Team

Apr 20 , 2016 | 1 min read

Arun Bhisht (name changed), a 22year old boy was a medical and emotional wreck when his parents brought him to us. Arun was dangerously obese, weighing 150kgs, which had resulted in severe knee problems and a thyroid condition. This had led him to become extremely lethragic, depressed and disinterested in life. The young boy was losing focus on his academics and had turned to alcohol for solace. Arun's parents started to see that all this was weighing down on their sons's life and decided that he needed help. Before his condition could get any worse, his parents brought him to us for a Bariatric consultation. Incidentally, both his parents had undergone Bariatric surgery at Max and were very happy with the results. They were confident that this was the solution to all their woes. After a thorough evaluation, detailed investigation and necessary counselling, Arun was advised to undergo 'Roux-En-Y' Gastric by-pass. It seemed like a ray of hope to him and after a little motivation from his parents, Arun decided to go through the surgery. 'That was by far the best decision I made' is what Arun says now. Not only did he have a successful surgery, and quick recovery, Arun changed his lifestyle considerably and began living a more positive and healthy life. When we met him a year after the surgery, we saw a completely different personality. This was no more the lethargic boy leading a sedentary lifestyle; Arun was now actively involved in his father's business, was socially active, and oozing with confidence. The best part was that his health had dramatically improved, he maintained a healthy weight of 75kgs and he was completely off all medication. 'I feel like a winner' is what he told us the last time we met him. Arun, was one of the few people who took a step towards making a positive difference in his life. 

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Medical Expert Team