







First Aid for Brain Stroke: What to Do And Not to Do

By Medical Expert Team

Mar 07 , 2022 | 1 min read

Medical emergencies come anytime, anywhere. The time between emergency situations & the arrival of medical help is critical. The key begins with staying calm & giving first-aid before help arrives. There are some must-know Do’s and Don’ts in common emergencies.

Brain Stroke: What is it?

A stroke is the rapid loss of brain functions due to disturbance caused by blockage or hemorrhage. Affected areas of brain function might result in the inability to move one or more limbs, inability to understand or formulate speech, or inability to see one side of the visual field.

How to recognize Brain Stroke?

F.A.S.T. - Face Drooping | Arm Weakness | Slurred Speech | Time to Call

What to Do if Brain Stroke Occurs?

  1. Call for ambulance/rush to a hospital with 24*7 Radiologist, CT scan machine, Interventional
  2. Neurosurgeon
  3. Stay calm and remain with the person
  4. Help the person lie down & loosen clothing
  5. Note down the time of the start of brain stroke symptoms

Not to Do If Brain Stroke Occurs

  1. Give anything to drink or eat
  2. Let the person drive himself to the hospital
  3. Consider it a passing episode of Hypertension/High BP/Unconsciousness

Alarming Facts for Brain Stroke

  1. There is one death every 4 minutes in India due to road accidents
  2. A person suffers a brain stroke, every 4 minutes
  3. A person dies every 33 seconds due to a heart attack in India

Over 70,000 lives can be potentially saved if bystanders come forward to help

Lend a helping hand with the law by your side

As per the Good Samaritan Law –

  1. You will NOT BE LIABLE for any civil or criminal action for any injury or death of the victim
  2. If you inform police or emergency service regarding an injured person you CAN NOT BE COMPELLED to reveal your personal details
  3. There is the provision of DISCIPLINARY ACTION AGAINST public officials who coerce Good Samaritan to reveal personal details

To get the fastest response for any medical emergency
Call 011-40554055

  1. 24x7 Central Emergency Response Centre
  2. Fully-equipped Max Bike Responder for immediate medical attention
  3. Advanced life support ambulance follows
  4. Multidisciplinary team for heart attack, brain stroke, trauma, and other medical emergencies

Delhi NCR’s largest & fastest Emergency Response Team

Written and Verified by:

Medical Expert Team

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