







How to Prevent Hair Fall in Monsoon?

By Dr. Ranjan Upadhaya in Dermatology

Nov 08 , 2020 | 1 min read

Why Does Hair Fall Happen in Monsoon?

The hair loss is a part of annual moulting of hair follicles (a period where they go into falling phase). If about 50 to 100 strands per day for 1 to 2 months in a year are falling, it is normal, but if there is excessive hair loss, it needs to be addressed.

Major Causes of Hair Fall in Monsoon

Below are the causes mentioned for you to know the reasons behind hairfall in monsoon-

  • Presence of excessive moisture in the scalp can increase risk of fungal infections, thereby weakening hair roots and leading to hair fall.
  • Generally first rain is considered to be the acid rain or if it has rained after a long gap, the chemicals suspended from the hair can damage your hair.
  • Using dryer for drying your wet hair can also be one of the major reasons for hair loss.
  • Persistent and concurrent medical issues like stomach upset, sore throat can reduce your intake of nutrients absorption that is required for healthy hair growth.

How to Take Care of Hair in Monsoon?

Below are the top hair care tips for monsoon-

Tips for Oily Hair-

  • Use antifungal shampoo at least thrice per week
  • Daily shampoo with very mild and less chemical based shampoos preferably baby shampoos
  • Avoid oiling your hair too much, try using neem oil once per week and half an hour before shampoo.

Tips for DRY Hair

  • Use antifungal shampoo atleast once per week.
  • Try to shampoo atleast 4 times per week with a very mild shampoo
  • It is important to oil your hair twice per week just 1-2 hours before shampoo.

Recommended Hair Diet for you

  • Excessive hair loss also indicates that there is deficiency of essential micronutrients and you must a nutritious diet to improve your lifestyle.
  • Eat fresh fruits regularly like beetroot, pomegranate, green vegetables and almonds
  • Have sprouts as they are rich in proteins, fibre, Vitamin E, Iron and Potassium.
  •  Eat protein-rich products like soyabean, egg, yoghurt, milk & milk products and salmon but avoid whey and creatine products.
  • Advisable to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day to wash away toxins form your body
  • Minimize junk food like pizzas, burgers, cakes, pastries as they lead to hair thinning.
  • Cut caffeine as it contributes to hair loss
  • Try to use a broad tooth comb and avoid steam and sauna they tend to destroy hair faster.

In case of excessive hair loss, you can consult with the best dermatologist in Delhi for hair fall treatment.