







How to Avoid Eye Infections Against Pollution?

By Medical Expert Team

Nov 13 , 2020 | 2 min read

Air pollution can be a  health hazard for people of all ages. It is one of the top 10 dangers that can lead to eye and respiratory problems. It is true that by wearing face masks, the inhalation of particulate matter gets reduced significantly but our eyes are still exposed to the polluted air. The airborne pollution is high, so people report eye discomfort 3 to 4 times more. It is of utmost importance that you protect yourself from this unnecessary suffering.The Presence of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and nitric acid can make the tear film of your eyes more acidic. There can be serious conditions like redness, watery eyes, burning and itchy sensation.

If these eye allergies are not treated well in time, it can cause cornea problems, which can affect your vision.

Few tips to prevent eye infections:

- Consume a healthy diet consisting of carrots

- Wear sunglasses when outdoors

- In case fine particulates have entered inside your eyes, do not RUB your eyes

- Refrain from using contact lens if you eyes are feeling itchy

- Use cool compressions to reduce inflammation

- Do not open the windows of cars during peak hours of traffic

- Wash your hands frequently if you have been to any public place

- Install an air purifier filter or system at home to protect your eyes against various diseases that are caused by air pollution

- It is true that by wearing face masks, the inhalation of particulate matter gets reduced significantly but our eyes are still exposed to the bad air. The airborne pollution is high, so people report eye discomfort 3 to 4 times more than they could get with dry eyes. It is of utmost importance that you protect yourself from this unnecessary suffering, below mentioned are few things you can consider to stay safe:

If you are using Eye contacts: Experts advice to use lubricating eye drops as well as ensure that you clean your lenses with lens solution every time you wear or remove them. Moreover, wearing protective glasses can be useful if the pollutant contaminant levels are high.

- Try to stay indoors if the pollution level is high. If out, wear masks, spectacles, sunglasses to stop the particulates to enter inside your eyes.

- If the pollutants have entered inside your eye, avoid rubbing your eyes and splash them with water immediately. Pollution can cause excessive dryness and soreness if the condition persists rush to an ophthalmologist for quick diagnosis and recommended treatment for your eyes.   

Written and Verified by:

Medical Expert Team

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