







Intervention radiology - A newer approach to diagnosis & treatment

By Medical Expert Team

Nov 07 , 2020 | 1 min read

How is Interventional Radiology Gaining Importance?

The IR procedures are being used to diagnose and treat disease is all body parts. These are the minimally invasive procedures that are performed by expert imaging specialists by doing ultrasound, X-ray, CT scan and MRI.

It is true that most diseases (general or cancer-related) are treated by using different combinations of medical and surgical treatment, despite that IR procedures are gaining momentum.

How long is the Procedure?

A majority of the procedures are either carried out on an outpatient basis or require a day care or a short duration of admission. These procedures are safe and significantly cost-effective as compared to conventional surgical treatments. Moreover, these procedures have a faster recovery and early resumption to routine lifestyle

What are the procedures?

IR procedures being performed by us include:

Image-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology ( FNAC ) & Biopsy :

- For confirming diagnosis in cancers and infections that require definitive treatment.

Biopsy includes and not limited to Lung, Breast, Muscle, Liver, Kidney, Prostate etc.

- Aspirations & drainage of cysts for cell diagnosis & microbial culture.

Primary Treatment:

  • Guided placement of catheters to drain pus / fluid collections in body parts that are difficult reach e.g. Liver abscesses, Pancreatic abscesses, Prostatic abscesses.
  • Drainage of Obstructed bile ducts e.g. In gall bladder cancer and CBD obstruction.

Post-Treatment Care

At Max, we have a specialised IR team to shorten the road to recovery for patients.  We offer palliative care by managing:

-Pain relief: Nerve block in pain relief for abdominal tumours and chronic pancreatitis.

-Nascogastric and nasojejunal feeding tube placement in cases with difficult tube placement e.g. Esophageal narrowing from tumors / chemical ingestions etc.

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Medical Expert Team