







Need for Corona Vaccine in Heart Patients

By Dr. Rajiv Agarwal in Cardiology

Jul 21 , 2021 | 1 min read


The Corona Vaccine drive in Delhi NCR is now 7 months old and vaccines are available according to the approved indications. Both the Covishield vaccine and the Covaxin are available and newer vaccines are also likely to be available in due course.  The vaccine drive has been rolled out by the government in such a manner that the highest risk segments of the population got it first, starting with health care workers, other front line personnel, the elderly and now even the age groups of 18-45 years including pregnant and lactating mothers.

This is because the highest risk individuals are at much greater risk of severe COVID complications, as compared to the young and the healthy. It is well known that the elderly, those with high BP, diabetes and especially heart disease with or without stents or pacemakers, or artificial heart valves are at much higher risk of COVID 19 complications.  Yet many such patients are hesitating to get vaccinated based on adverse reports on social media, and occasional side effects reported in newspapers.

Vaccine hesitancy is a real thing, fueled by misinformation.  Even in the United States where there is no shortage of vaccine, it is estimated that upto 30% people may not get vaccinated. 

We urge our heart patients to get corona vaccine as per their indications on top priority.  They are the ones who will derive the maximum benefit from vaccine, even more than the young and healthy.  This must be done now so that we are prepared for any third wave as the vaccine takes time to act, and second shot will also happen after a prescribed time interval.

Side effects of vaccines are extremely rare, and mostly consist of some fever and pain at injection site.  Severe allergic reactions and even clot formation are very rare.  This has been shown by Indian data from ICMR and even from western nations. 

So what are you waiting for?  Go and book your vaccine slot today. If someone refuses you the vaccine, then get your doctor to write you a certificate.   Remember, when you get the vaccine it not only makes you safer but also protects the rest of the family.