







Preventive Check Up Today, Peace Of Mind Tomorrow

By Dr. Akhilesh Shrivastava in Preventive Health Check

Jun 23 , 2021 | 2 min read

Prevention is better than cure is an oft-repeated adage from time immemorial, and it still holds relevant in present times. The primary goal of healthcare system is to prevent disease or to detect it early enough to nip it in the bud. This helps in planning the treatment process as soon as possible. According to Delhi based Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) India has a very huge disease burden especially of Diabetes, Hypertension (elevated blood pressure), Cardiac (heart) diseases and Cancer. Furthermore CSE (27.11.2017), estimates that 61% of all deaths in India are attiributable to lifestyle diseases or non–communicable diseases and they are preventable or at least partially preventable. These diseases include Obesity, Chronic lung disease, Lung and Colon Cancer, Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Cardiac heart disease, Cirrhosis liver etc.

Therefore it is important for people to know the benefits of preventive health check up because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Currently most health screening tests are readily available and are cost effective. These tests include physiologic (viz. Measurements of blood pressure, BMI, growth curves etc), Biochemical (viz. blood profiles covering all the vital organs), Radiologic (viz. X-ray, Mammography, Bone densitometry, Ultrasound etc). In near future, genetic studies will play a major role in predicting potential risk of various diseases.

Who all should get periodic preventive health screening is the question everybody has in mind.

International consensus is that men above the age of 35 years and women above the age of 40 years should undergo annual preventive health check up. In case there is significant family history of a particular disease (viz. Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Diseases, Cancers etc) then it would be prudent to initiate the health screening tests much earlier. One should also keep in mind various risk factors for lifestyle diseases. The common ones are tobacco indulgence including smoking, alcohol indulgence, being overweight, lack of physical exercise and sedentary life style. One has to keep in mind the history of a particular disease in the family and be aware of preventive measures to be followed.

Keeping all the aforementioned facts in mind, Max healthcare has designed Preventive Health Packages for different age-groups as also the packages which are disease-specific and system-specific. Our endeavor is to provide urgent and one-on-one counseling to our patients in order to sort and solve their problems and queries.

We provide holistic solutions to the health needs of our patients in a pleasant atmosphere with the back–up of state-of-the-art technology.

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