







Robotic Bariatric And Metabolic Surgery Cure For Morbid Obesity, Diabetes , Hypertension, Knee Pain And Snoring

By Dr. Ashish Vashistha in Laparoscopic / Minimal Access Surgery

Nov 16 , 2020 | 2 min read


What is Obesity?

Obesity is simple; you calculate your Body Mass Index or BMI. Obesity is also defined by waist size - over 90 cm in males and over 80 cm in females.

How can Obesity affect you?

Obesity is rarely just a physiological problem . obesity can lead to several complications that could be fatal or incapacitating if left untreated.

Some of the most common diseases that are directly and indirectly linked to obesity are:

  • Type II Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Hypertension
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Liver and kidney disorders
  • Joint Pain/Osteoarthritis/Gout
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Gastro-esophageal reflux disease
  • Infertility
  • Certain cancers
  • Depression and anxiety disorders
  • Sleep Apnea

How to manage Obesity?

Obesity can be treated. But it involves more than just swallowing a pill or sticking to a diet. It needs a multidisciplinary assessment involving a coordinated approach by different specialists such as dietician, endocrinologist, psychologist, internist, cardiologist, family doctor, bariatric surgeon.

What is Bariatric (Obesity) Surgery?

Bariatric (Obesity) surgery, or weight loss surgery or metabolic surgery, includes a variety of procedures performed on people who are obese. Weight loss is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach through removal of a portion of the stomach (sleeve gastrectomy) or by resecting and re-routing the small intestines to a small stomach pouch (gastric bypass surgery/One Anatomises Gastric bypass)

Laparoscopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG)- How it works to help you lose weight?

The Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) generates weight loss solely through gastric restriction (reduced stomach volume). In VSG approximately 2/3rd of  the stomach is stapled off along its greater curvature, leaving behind 1/3rd stomach along lesser curvature, which is roughly the size and shape of a Banana or Sleeve. Provides satiety with small amount of food and unlike gastric band & gastric bypass, patients feels full with liquids as well


Laparoscopic Gastric bypass -How it works to help you lose weight?

A small stomach pouch is created and section of the small intestine is directly attached to the pouch. By creating a smaller stomach pouch, a Gastric Bypass limits the amount of food that can be eaten at one time, so you feel full sooner and stay full longer. It also causes your body to absorb fewer calories.

Laparoscopic MINI GASTRIC BYPASS - How it works to help you lose weight?

It’s a combination of both the procedure where a gastric tube is made with is further joined with small intestine bypassing certain length of small bowel. Here patient can eat its normal amount of food but later it’s absorbed less in small intestine.

Robotic Bariatric Surgery (Weight loss surgery)

Robotic bariatric surgical procedures are offered to patient with high Body Mass Index (BMI) and other medical conditions related to obesity. Also good results are seen in revisional bariatric surgery cases.

The main advantages of Robotic system are seen with Gastric bypass.

  •  A 3D HD View inside our body
  •  Wristed instruments that bend and rotate far greater than human hand.
  •  Enhanced vision, precision and control
  •  Low rate of gastro intestinal leaks.
  •  Better stoma size.
  •  Avoidance of stapler costs
  •  No wound infection