







Robotic Surgery for Prostate Cancer: Pioneering Precision & Patient Benefits

By Dr. Tushar Aditya Narain in Robotic Surgery , Uro-Oncology

Nov 30 , 2023 | 2 min read

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among men, and the quest for more effective treatments has led to remarkable advancements in medical technology. Robotic surgery, often performed using the da Vinci Surgical System, has emerged as a groundbreaking approach to the management of prostate cancer. In this blog, we will explore the

world of robotic surgery for prostate cancer, its techniques, benefits, and its impact on patients.

Understanding Robotic Surgery for Prostate Cancer

Robotic surgery represents a significant shift from traditional open surgery methods. It is a minimally invasive approach that allows surgeons to perform precise procedures with the assistance of robotic instruments through very small holes. In the context of prostate cancer, robotic surgery is primarily employed for radical prostatectomy, the complete removal of the prostate gland and the pelvic lymph nodes around the prostate.

The robotic instruments are perfectly suited to the deep human pelvis and allow the whole prostate to be removed with minimal blood loss.

Here are some key aspects of robotic surgery for prostate cancer:

1. Enhanced Precision

Robotic systems provide surgeons with a three-dimensional, high-definition and magnified view of the surgical site, offering unparalleled precision and dexterity. The robotic arms can make intricate movements that replicate the human hand, enabling the prostate cancer surgeon to perform complex manoeuvres with greater accuracy

2. Minimally Invasive Approach

Unlike traditional open surgery, which involves large incisions, robotic surgery uses small, minimally invasive incisions (usually less than a centimetre in size). These smaller incisions result in less tissue trauma, less pain, reduced blood loss, and shorter recovery times

3. Shorter Hospital Stays

Patients undergoing robotic prostatectomy are discharged in a day or two as against staying 5-7 days in the hospital in cases of open surgery. The minimally invasive approach allows for a quicker return to normal activities and daily routines

4. Reduced Risk of Complications

Minimally invasive robotic surgery is associated with a lower risk of infection, reduced pain, and a decreased likelihood of developing complications such as hernias or wound-related issues

5. Faster Recovery

Patients typically experience a faster recovery period and less post-operative pain after robotic surgery. The reduced need for pain medication contributes to a more comfortable and efficient recovery process

6. Improved Cosmetic Outcomes

Robotic surgery leaves smaller, less noticeable scars compared to open surgery, contributing to better cosmetic results

7. Enhanced Functional Outcomes

Numerous studies have demonstrated that robotic surgery for prostate cancer can achieve excellent cancer control rates while preserving urinary and sexual function in many patients. The return of urinary continence and erectile functions is excellent owing to the preservation of neurovascular bundles and urethral sphincters, which is possible only with a minimally invasive approach

Robotic surgery for prostate cancer has ushered in a new era of precision and patient-centered care. It provides patients with the benefits of a minimally invasive approach, including faster recovery, reduced pain, and preservation of function, while also achieving excellent cancer control outcomes. As technology continues to advance, robotic surgery for

prostate cancer will likely play an increasingly significant role in improving the lives of those diagnosed with this common malignancy.