







Stroke: What you should know?

By Medical Expert Team

Nov 28 , 2020 | 1 min read

Brain stroke (also known as cerebrovascular accident or brain attack) occurs when part of the brain loses its blood supply and stops working.

This lead to paralysis of the part of body which that injured part of brain controls. Stroke occurs mostly due to a sudden loss of blood supply and in that case is an ischemic stroke. Stroke that happens due to bleeding in the brain is called hemorrhagic stroke.

Elderly people who are diabetic/hypertensive/smoker or heart patient are especially prone to stroke though it can affect young people also.

Remember FAST (clear symptoms of stroke) if you think someone might be having a stroke:

  • Face drooping
  • Arm or leg weakness
  • Speech difficulty
  • Time to call hospital emergency for ambulance

From onset of symptoms, there is only a 3 to 4 1/2 hour window to use clot-busting drugs (thrombolytics) to try to restore blood supply

to the affected part of the brain in infarct stroke. This is called golden period or window periodic.

Treatment for Stroke

Mechanical Thrombectomy

During this procedure, the doctor inserts a catheter into a large blood vessel inside your head. They then use a device to pull the clot out of the vessel. This surgery is most successful if it’s performed 6 to 24 hours after the stroke begins. This procedure is not available at all hospitals and not appropriate for all stroke patients.


In the rare instances that other treatments don’t work, your doctor may perform surgery to remove a blood clot and plaques from your arteries. This may be done with a catheter, or if the clot is especially large, your doctor may open an artery to remove the blockage. Stroke can be prevented by quitting smoking, controlling blood pressure, maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, and exercising on a regular basis.

The prognosis and recovery for a person that has suffered a stroke depends upon the location of the injury to the brain. Prompt intervention in the acute stroke and restored blood supply to brain tissue decreases the likelihood of brain damage.

Again, the best brain stroke treatment is prevention and minimizing risk factors for not only stroke but for heart attack.

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Medical Expert Team