







Tips for preventing prostate cancer

By Medical Expert Team

Nov 08 , 2020 | 4 min read


Prostate cancer is second most common cancer of ageing male population worldwide. The occurrence of prostate cancer varies more than 100 fold in different countries and ethnic groups. Its occurrence and fatality are highest in African-Americans while lowest in Asians.

Old age, repeated prostatic infections, obesity and smoking habits heightens the risk of cancer prostate.  Positive family history also increases the risk.

Labelled as the best cancer hospital in India, we at Max Healthcare provide effective cancer treatment in the country. We are equipped with the latest technology, a team of excellent doctors and care staff.

Prostate cancer, like other cancers, can be cured if diagnosed early. Radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy are prostate cancer treatments. Although there are no absolute preventive methods for prostate cancer, diet and lifestyle choices do play a role. Taking precautionary measures at all times is better than cure, and one must actively try to improve their lifestyle choices for a healthier tomorrow.

Check out When to Get Prostate Surgery Done?

Here’s how you can prevent Prostate Cancer

Sexual Activity- There is a protective association between frequency of ejaculation and prostate cancer. Protective effects have been noted in large studies in men having more than 5 ejaculations per week or more than 21 ejaculations per month. Infrequent ejaculation is also associated with higher chance of prostatic infections.

Diet- Vegetarian high fibre diet is found to protect against prostate cancer. Most convincing evidence comes from migration studies. Studies have shown that the incidence of clinically significant prostate cancer is much lower in parts of the world where people eat a predominantly low fat, vegetarian diet (Like India). Furthermore, migration studies demonstrate that when men from low-risk country move to the USA and begin eating westernized diet, their rates of prostate cancer increase several folds. If they return to their native country and diet, risk reduces.

Reduce the Consumption of Meat, Eggs and Dairy -Consumption of animal protein is associated with a greater risk of prostate cancer. Keeping a check on your diet can make an enormous difference. People who consume a high amount of meat, eggs and dairy products have a higher blood level of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 which is related to increased risk of prostate cancer. Dairy products have calcium and high calcium suppresses Vitamin D.

Avoid Smoking- Some recent studies have suggested an association of smoking with advanced stage at diagnosis and increased fatality.
Soybean- Legumes are an important element of diet in Asian countries where the occurrence of prostate cancer is low, but only a minor role in the diet of the western world where prostate cancer is predominant. Soybean is unique among legumes as it contains concentrated isoflavones which have weak protective estrogenic activity.

Lycopene- Lycopene is a red-orange carotenoid found in tomatoes, tomato products, red fruits and vegetables. It possesses strong anti-oxidant property. Laboratory studies have shown that it inhibits the growth of prostatic cells.

Increase the Intake of Cruciferous Vegetables- Phytochemicals found in cruciferous vegetables are known to inhibit prostate cancer. Vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and more can prevent and inhibit prostate cancer. These phytochemicals can help in detoxification, prevent cancer cell growth, protect DNA from damage and regulate gene expression. Consuming these vegetables can also shrink cancerous tumours. Furthermore, these vegetables have a high quantity of Sulphur compounds like glucosinolates and indole-3-carbinol which can improve detoxification while reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

Make Sure You Are Getting Sufficient Vitamin D- Genetic mutation is the underlying cause of cancerous tumours. Vitamin D is known to influence at least 200 human cells that are involved in regulating cell proliferation, apoptosis and development. Several types of research have shown that Vitamin D has a direct effect in reducing the cancer risk. Men with elevated levels of Vitamin D have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. While exposure to sunlight is one of the best sources of Vitamin D, taking it in the form of supplements is recommended.

Include Green Tea in Your Diet- Green Tea contains considerable amounts of EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) which is a catechin (antioxidant) and is known to fight cancer and some cardiovascular diseases. Green Tea is healthier because oxidation is prevented and polyphenols are left intact. However, excessive consumption of green tea is equally bad for health, so, consult your doctor before including green tea in your diet.

A Pomegranate a Day- Pomegranate juice and extracts have shown a significant impact in preventing and curing prostate cancer. High in antioxidants, pomegranate helps in preventing chronic diseases related to oxidation. It is highly beneficial in inhibiting the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Daily Exercise - Endurance-type exercise such as swimming, walking, running and cycling are effective against protecting us from various diseases. Men who partake in rigorous activity or workouts at least 3 hours per week have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

There is no comprehensive prevention strategy for prostate cancer. However, cutting down on processed foods and adding more fruits and vegetables is a sure shot way of preventing not just cancer, but most of the chronic diseases. 

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Medical Expert Team