







Suffering from Severe Blockage in All Major Arteries Underwent Life-Saving Cardiac Surgeries

in Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali

Jan 16 , 2023

There has been an alarming rise in the number of patients with cardiac ailments in recent times, there is a dire need to raise awareness around heart health. Instead of deferring and delaying surgeries, timely intervention can save many lives.

Sharing the journey of a 64-year-old patient, Dr Amit Bathla highlighted the fact that the results of bypass surgeries have improved at par to excellent and are much safer than before. Also, with advanced modalities, patients rarely require any blood transfusions, reduced hospital stays and make a quicker recovery.

The patient was having on-and-off chest pain for over two days and visited a doctor for consultation in Aligarh, where angiography revealed coronary artery disease involving all three major vessels with critical blockage.

"In a very critical stage, the patient was rushed to Max Super Speciality Hospital Vaishali, where doctors immediately took up the case and conducted the complete course of investigations to find out that the patient was suffering from coronary artery disease (CAD) involving all three coronary arteries. Since a large part of the heart had suffered due to complete blockage in all three arteries, heart function also declined to less than 30%, and the patient was a high-risk candidate to undergo bypass surgery, posing a certain risk to life. The team decided to perform a beating heart bypass surgery, which was successfully performed without any complications, and the patient was discharged on the 5 th day post-operatively. In fact, the patient did not even require any blood transfusions and post-surgically, the heart also improved and is working normally. Post-surgically, the patient can perform all activities and lives a normal productive life without any fear of heart attacks. The recovery post-surgery was excellent, and the patient resumed normal work within 2-3 weeks",said Dr Amit Bathla.

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