







Liver Transplant for Biliary Atresia | Infant Recovers From Liver Disease

Treated by Prof (Dr.) Subhash Gupta , Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket

Liam was only two and half months old when he was diagnosed with biliary atresia, a liver disease that causes blockage in the ducts that carry bile to the gallbladder. After failed Kasai operations, his parents decided to travel to India from Indonesia for further treatment. They consulted Dr. Subhash Gupta (, who advised for a liver transplant. At Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, we have a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors who provide the best treatment & care to the patients.

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Max Healthcare is home to 5000 eminent doctors in the world, most of whom are pioneers in their respective fields. Additionally, they are renowned for developing innovative and revolutionary clinical procedures.

Our Medical Experts

Max Healthcare is home to 5000 eminent doctors in the world, most of whom are pioneers in their respective fields. Additionally, they are renowned for developing innovative and revolutionary clinical procedures.

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